You are probably aware that in order to sell your service on Craigslist, you will need a verified phone number. Craigslist, thanks to spammers and illegal services providers (blackhat marketers), has made it difficult for individual businesspeople like yourself to be located on Craigslist – click this link!
Quickly browsing through your niche can prove this. In large cities, there is so much competition, that most businesses can get lost. You can easily fall off the front page of Google if you don’t post for a day.
Why Verified Accounts are Important
The main reason to buy verified accounts is because they’re less expensive than buying a lot of phones. Craigslist won’t let you use cheap VOIP phone for a phone-verified account. You can get over 250 phone-verified accounts for the price one cell phone. Who wants to keep all these phones around?
The question is why would you want 250 Craigslist accounts that are verified? Although it may appear excessive, there are several good reasons why you would want so many accounts. All these reasons are enough to keep you from posting on Craigslist.
If you violate the terms of service or post too often on one account (intentionally or unintentionally), you could be banned. This means that you won’t be able to use your number again. A spam report could be made by an angry surfer or competitor. Another reason you may be banned is if someone flags your account as spam.
Another reason to have a PVA is if you are running several ad campaigns. You can mentally separate campaigns. You will be able to post enough to make the campaigns successful.
Finding the Right PVA to Buy
Be careful when searching for PVAs to buy. You might end up paying a lot of money for a junk verified phone account. Buyer beware is what they say.
Recycled Craigslist verified account is the first thing to avoid. You are playing Russian roulette when you buy one of these. It’s impossible to know what it was used for by the previous owner.
It’s possible that Craigslist has already banned the PVA. The last guy may have been a scammer. It is also possible that their unhappy customers will complain to you. Even positive messages are a waste.
Buy Phone Verified accounts with additional features
You should also consider features such as local PVAs (phone verified accounts), express service and posting services when purchasing a phone verified account. Local PVAs for your business are a must. Craigslist employs Geo IP, and if your post is caught in a location that you are not verified for, you may be banned.
Saving time with express services and postage is a great way to save. It’s a fact that you could always use more time in order to make more cash. Craigslist’s business moves fast enough without you having to handle everything by yourself or wait for your phone verified accounts.